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Our Mission

The West Point Inn Association exists to preserve, maintain, operate the West Point Inn and educate the public about its history.

Something magic happens up here.


The West Point Inn is more than just a location with historic buildings. So much more. Once you’ve experienced, you know it. It starts with a journey you take to get to the Inn. It might be just a few miles, but it feels like a world away. Once you've experienced it, you know. With every step, your head clears and your view expands. Arriving at the Inn is a moment of pure discovery. How can this quaint, wonderful, charming piece of history exist here. So hidden, yet so open?


The view simply takes your breath away. You’re on top of the world.


The West Point Inn provides a unique ability for people to connect.  With the past.  With themselves.  With each other. With nature.  Connecting in every way except via technology. Sit down next to someone.  Talk comes easily. You’ve just become part of the extended family – the family that has been enjoying this destination for over a century.


A visit to the Inn reminds people how important it is to experience this type of connection, and how rare it is this days. It’s a ritual that can be happily passed from generation to generation. It’s a little utopia – at 1,781 feet above the Bay.

© 2025 West Point Inn Association

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